Invitation to Bid - Tender Number: LITB-2024-9190928
Supply of Midwifery Kits for UNICEF Yemen
UNICEF Yemen invites qualified vendors to submit sealed bids for the supply of Midwifery Kits as per the specifications detailed in Annex B. This tender aims to procure high-quality midwifery kits to support maternal and child health initiatives in Yemen.
Submission Requirements:
Completion of Annex B Financial Form: Please ensure all financial details are accurately filled out in Annex B.
Completion of Requirements in Annex D: Provide all required documentation and information as outlined in Annex D.
Inclusion of Transportation Costs: Your bid should include all transportation costs to the designated delivery points.
Deadline for submission: [08 July, 2024]
Instructions for Submission:
Submit bids to:
LITB- 2024- 9190928 Midwifery Kit (
Late bids will not be accepted.
Published Date: 29/06/2024